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Who IS Kathy Almeida?

Meet Kathy

I am a wife and mother.


I am a creative artist.

I am a writer and published author.

I am a teacher and speaker.

I am an advocate for loving and living well.





As a human being, I have lots of experience.  As an advocate for someone who has special needs, I have almost 25 years of experience.  As a person who loves life and is open to learning and growing my whole life, I come  highly recommended by those who know me.

The Facts:
I was born in Miami, Florida.
I have lived in Florida my whole life: south Florida, central Florida and presently, north central Florida.
I currently live on our family farm in Belleview along with my husband and youngest son and all the pets/animals that have become part of our family.

My Passions:
I'm in love with life and the people that I share it with.
I love writing, painting, crafting, cooking, and other ways of expressing myself.
I love helping others.
The places that give me the most joy are being home on our farm, at the beach-anytime, or in the Smoky Mountains during fall to celebrate my wedding anniversary.
I enjoy walking, swimming, being outdoors connected to nature, and being inspired by like minded people.

Inspiration for writing It's all About Attitude:

My muse was my son.
The writing was a way to put down on paper the lessons I'd learned.
My desire was to share our (Gayle and my) journey/insights/stories with others in the hope of helping them in theirs.

Ways I've tried to help my son:
Everything that has come our way that felt right to try.

Hopes and Dreams:
I hope that one day people will no longer be afraid or judge those who are different from them.  And that we will be able to celebrate each unique 
person for who they are, not who we think they should be.

I dream of writing more books, continue painting new pictures, enjoying each day- getting better and better at practicing "the attitude" or art of loving and living well.

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