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Grateful PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gayle Nobel   
Monday, 22 April 2013 15:09

On Saturday, Kyle's team gathered at our house for a celebratory pot luck. On April 4, 2013, it was one year of "cycle free" living for Kyle. This was a lot to celebrate! Many of you who have followed this blog know he had debilitating anxiety episodes for almost two years. It required extensive trial and error and perseverance to find the magic solution to stopping them. (Agape vitamin supplement with extra methylated folate.)

We have an amazing team working with Kyle right now. Probably the strongest in Kyle's lifetime. With the exception of one person, they have all been actively involved in some of the most difficult,  heart wrenching times with Kyle. Because of this, the triumphs and joy of this last year have been extra special.

We gathered, not just to celebrate Kyle's year, but in appreciation of our team's work, support, perseverance, and fantastic attitude with Kyle and our family. Each person has a special love of Kyle that shines through.  Everyone brought yummy food to share. In fact, we had enough to feed an army. Most of it was Kyle friendly and even better, it included all his favorites. He was in culinary heaven with one favorite after another being placed in front of him.

Getting ready for the gathering was virtually stress free because I didn't have to worry about anything related to Kyle. This is in contrast to my usual pre party jitters when I know there will be people who are uncomfortable or awkward around Kyle and I am nervous about how Kyle will be. It was enjoyable not to have  these factors in play.

I am so grateful for each person in Kyle's life. They make his life so much richer than Neil and I could do on our own. They have truly opened up his world in every area.

KIM has been with Kyle and us for nearly 16 1/2 years! Wow! She has had every role possible in his life. Currently she sees him a few times per month as a therapist, but really more as a friend or even sister. She also coaches Tammy and I in RDI (Relationship Development Intervention) enabling us to be better guides for Kyle's learning and thinking. Kim is responsible for a long list of Kyle's milestones and for helping us change our thinking about him. Thanks to Kim, Kyle is able to go out to eat and to participate in so many activities outside the home. Our journey with Kim has been quite an adventure.... learning and growing together.

ANGELICA is Kyle's 1:1 at his Day Program and has been with Kyle a little over two years. She was hired especially for Kyle by Aires, the company that runs the program. She showed up rather serendipitously and has turned out to be the perfect match for Kyle. She is with him all day, five days a week and keeps him very active and engaged during the day. From the relaxing atmosphere of the sensory room to walking the track and hiking to guiding him as he works his community service shoebox project, and much more, she is there giving him just the amount of support he needs during the day to have a full and rich life. She even helps out in our home on an as needed basis.

TAMMY has been with Kyle almost two years. I hired her when we were in crises mode and I felt I just couldn't go on without a higher level of help and support. She was really an answer to my prayers. She came with loads of experience and an enthusiastic passionate attitude about working with Kyle and supporting our family. She has enriched Kyle's life in so many ways particularly because of her love of music. She is my right hand gal around the house in the evening at dinner time and helps slow everything down so Kyle can participate in more things than I would be able to do on my own. In her convertible, which Kyle loves, she takes him out for many adventures. She also makes it possible for us to travel.

Mocha is the newest and youngest member of our team. Five months ago, I hired her as a back up for Tammy but she also comes on a regular basis twice a week. She grew up with sisters with special needs and has been a natural from Day 1. She now takes Kyle out in the community just like the rest of the team and has a had a few of her own adventures with Kyle. She has a patient kindness about her and it feels like she has been with us much longer than five months.

Judy is included in all our celebrations. She is a mother to me and grandmother to my kids,  but by choice rather than by blood. She knocked on our door when we moved into our previous house when Kyle was 17 months old. She has been a special part of our family ever since. She has seen it all and is a very very special and wonderful  friend to our family.

The potluck was our way of thanking the team and celebrating Kyle. There were a few people who were not there (music therapist, occupational therapist, hippo therapist, singing bowl therapist, and JoAn).

I consider myself very very lucky. But it's not just luck that put this team together. It's perseverance... not giving up until I found just the right people with just the right attitude.


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nd youngest member of our team. Five months ago, I hired her as a back up for Tammy but she also comes on a regular basis twice a week. She grew up with sisters with special needs and has been a natural from Day 1. She now takes Kyle out in the community just
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Last Updated on Monday, 22 April 2013 22:31

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