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One Word for 2015 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gayle Nobel   
Wednesday, 31 December 2014 16:18

Well Hellloooo 2015! You sure have come along quickly.

This is the fifth year I have blogged about the concept of ONE WORD for the coming New Year. It is the perfect antidote to the standard resolutions, goals, and to do lists. The response has always been so positive and inspiring so let's do it again for 2015!

My word for last year was DARE. It certainly permeated my year, my coaching sessions as client (in which I explored boldness, living fully, courage, confidence as they related to how I show up in the world), AND my coaching with clients as I challenged them to be the most powerful versions of themselves yet. I dared to complete my coach training amidst the messy obstacles and struggles in my life. I launched my business, The Art of Possibility, and found myself in an amazing Mastermind group called Evercoach, which has completely transformed my coaching and the direction I am creating for myself. This lead me to a mentoring group with master coach,  Stacy Nelson, which I have recently started. It has already supported me in creating a new version of me as coach. I dared to put myself in several coaching groups well advanced of where I am on my  journey and am learning so much. I also dared to pull Kyle out of a program that was not working for him or me and forge a new path for him. I dared to try some unconventional interventions for his anxiety cycles and found something that worked. I dared to step out of my comfort zone in many areas.

I am also keenly aware of the places I have not dared and that is part of this great experiment called life. I am still holding back more than I would like to be.

If your word didn't work for you or you can't even remember it now, no worries, it's time to pick another one. I consider ONE WORD as the antidote to resolutions or even goals. Choosing a word is about creating an intention for your life.

Intention VS Resolution.  Resolution is "the action of solving", therefore resolutions tend to focus on problems in our lives that need to be solved. Typically, what is wrong with us, and how can we fix ourselves. They usually don't lead to lasting changes and are often quickly abandoned.

Intention is "the determination to act in a certain way". Intentions are about becoming aware of different ways that you would prefer to BE in your life. Intentions allow for the winding journey of life and serve as a touchstone to create dreams and transform who you are being in the world.

Christine Kane gives a great explanation below:

"The reason most resolutions don't work is that they address only one level of your life. The DO level. It's the DO-HAVE-BE model. "I will DO this thing." (i.e., Lose weight) "So I can HAVE this other thing" (Self-Esteem) and I can BE this thing. (Confident.)

The average New Year's Resolution doesn't address the core of the issue - the "BE" level.

The best order for creating positive changes in your life is the BE-DO-HAVE model. This means you start from the BE level. When you begin changing on the BE level of your life, then the DO level and the HAVE level follow more easily.

When you start only on the DO level, then all the blocks on the BE level will often become the obstacles you can't overcome.

Several years ago, my friend and I decided that, instead of making resolutions, we would pick a word that would guide us throughout the year. It would be our touchstone. It would remind us of living our lives at the BE level.

This didn't mean that we didn't take action. It meant that our actions were inspired from the BE level. In fact, I took more action than ever with this new approach!"

BE, DO, HAVE. I really like that! In fact, this is the way I support my coaching clients in creating change in their lives and being the best version of themselves. When the being level shifts, all kinds of magic begins to happen.

I invite you to get quiet over the next few days, go within, and pick a word for the year. Just one word. That's all. Then, hold that word in your consciousness, wake up with it each morning and reflect upon it each evening throughout the year.  Let your word guide you to take action. What a powerful New Year's ritual!

My word for 2015 is.... COMMITMENT. To the degree possible, I would like to commit to the things that light me up. Yes, this means saying no to some of those things that don't. AND, being honest with myself about what does and doesn't light me up. Commitment relates to who I want to be in my life with family, friends, and clients. Commitment to connect at a deeper level. Commitment to be "all in" vs on the sidelines. Commitment relates to what I'm passionate about creating this year. Commitment asks "What am I choosing?" and is so dang powerful, it gives me goose bumps. I'm feeling a bit vulnerable here in sharing this. Now it's your turn.

What's YOUR word going to be this year? Please let me know if you have chosen one. You inspire me.

Farewell 2014. You've tossed me around a bit and you've also been a great teacher even if I didn't get to choose all the lessons. I'm grateful for the gift of intuition, of awareness, of love, of life.

I'm ready for you 2015! Bring it on!

Happy New Year.



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Last Updated on Wednesday, 31 December 2014 23:15

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