One Word Ideas |
Written by Gayle Nobel | |||
Wednesday, 01 January 2014 13:25 | |||
Happy New Year! I've enjoyed hearing about your WORDS for 2014. The spirit coming from your feedback on yesterday's blog has been energizing and inspiring. Here are some more thoughts on ONE WORD from Christine Kane's blog: "Let's say you are one of the many people who would normally choose "Get Organized." You look around to see clutter all over your life. You're tired of the chaos. So, you think, "I need to get organized. That should be my Resolution this year." But then you read this blog. You decide to try it. You sit with your clutter. You spend a few days pondering words that will inspire you. You realize in an "Ah-Ha!" moment that you tend to cling to lots of things. You're scared to let go. So you choose the word "Release" because it inspires you in a bigger way than "Get organized." So, every time you approach your clutter you remind yourself of that word. "Release," you say softly. You start to let the clutter go. Eventually, you realize that you're still holding on to lots more than just physical clutter. You realize that you hold onto resentment at old relationships. "Release," you remind yourself. You realize that holding on is affecting your diet and health. "Release" applies to some of the extra weight you've gained as well. Throughout the year, you can see clearly how much you hold on. "Release" is your touchstone. It grows you throughout the year. It becomes your guiding force, not your harsh standard. Your clutter became your teacher simply because you shifted your intent towards it. This wouldn't have happened if you'd opted only to "Get Organized." What word to choose? Many people know immediately which word resonates with them. For others, a little contemplation is required. I've compiled a list of possible words below. As you read through them, see if one stands out for you." Compassion Delight Generosity Effortlessness Wealth Gratitude Abundance Creativity Willingness Change Growth Freedom Mastery Kindness Health Presence Acceptance Courage Confidence Self-Love Action Forgiveness Forgive Release Trust Knowing Patience Friendship Fun Grace Laughter Love Expansion Exploration Adventure Openness Discipline Awe Awareness Risk Gentleness Choice Spirit Prayerfulness Power Allow Artfulness Attention Beauty Joy Focus Ritual Heal Order Clarity Pioneer Peace Laziness No Yes Deliberateness Commitment Savor Integrity Listen This is a great list. Is there anything here that resonates with you? How will you inspire yourself to keep your word in the forefront of your busy life? If you're into Pinterest (I know, I know another potential social media obesession risk), you might want to periodically search your word there for inspiration and motivation. Or, if you're into journaling, it's a great place to check in with yourself on your word. I challenge you to take this word and run with it all the way to the end of 2014.
Here's my first pin for DARE....
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Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 January 2014 20:48 |
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