Gratitude In Action Too Print
Written by Gayle Nobel   
Sunday, 30 November 2008 21:22

While I was writing the Gratitude in Action blog before Thanksgiving, coincidentally (or perhaps not so coincidentally), my wonderful husband Neil was putting his gratitude to his clients in action. Included in one of his standard market update emails to clients, was the following thoughtful wisdom. He has given me permission to share it on the blog for the final November Thanksgiving theme post.

"This has been a hard year for all of you financially, and emotionally, there is no question about it. This is a time to count our blessings. Money is a tool to help us live life, but it is not the purpose of life, or at least, it should not be. I am thankful for my lovely wife, my children, my friends, my health, my wonderful country (with all its warts), and for you, my clients, who have sustained me for some 35 years in this business. I feel these last few months has brought me closer to many of you, as we have suffered the worst bear market in the post war period. It is the sort of bonding people do when fighting off wild animals, surviving bombardment from airplanes, or surviving floods and famines. Ok, maybe it's not all that bad. And that is the point; as bad as it has been, there are many people who have seen and survived worse. We will get through this together. Count your blessings and remember what is most important in life.


Well, there is not much more I can add to this. Gratitude in action. 

You're invitied to share your thoughts too.




Last Updated on Sunday, 30 November 2008 22:02