Time for a Break or a Change Print
Written by Gayle Nobel   
Tuesday, 16 October 2012 20:12

Blog-a-thon Day #16

I received this response to the last blog post in an email today. I always enjoy hearing from readers and love that my words can make a difference for people. There is a lot of wisdom in what she shares below.

"LOL!!! This is true honesty right here! I don't think I have ever connected to your blog more than this moment! I love that you wrote this. . . .I wanted to run out of my house screaming this morning over a simple issue of Ash refusing to stand up so I could dress him. I laugh now because it is so funny how we make such big deals about being negative. Its okay to not enjoy every minute of your life I think. Gratitude for sure, I know it well. But every once and a while you should be able to just stand up and say "this is not a good time at all!" or "i don't like this moment right now!". Sure, the autism books could tell me to make a fun little happy song to encourage him to dress but you know what: I just wasn't feeling it. I bet they write those how-to books with a full night's sleep and babysitters standing by. Unless you have a happy injection for me, sometimes I am gonna just bury my face in a pillow and yell "why should this be so hard?!!!!".

So not every moment in life gives us actual joy: that doesn't mean that we have to beat ourselves up and carry around guilt because we aren't 100% perfect! It probably means that our bodies/minds are telling us that its time for a break or a change. So now I will sit down here with my cup of coffee at noon and use this key you just sent over to unlock the chains of guilt weighing me down. Whoo, feels lighter already! LOL Sometimes we need a reminder that we are human beings and that just because we want to rest our tired bodies and brains doesn't mean we are lazy or that we aren't grateful.

Love this! You guys look great. . . exhausted or not!"

~~S.M. , parent of child with autism



Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 03:26