Enjoy Every Cup Print
Written by Gayle Nobel   
Thursday, 26 April 2012 19:27

Blog-a-thon Day 26

I have recently discovered the joy of tea. I don't mean the type that comes in tea bags that you put in a microwaved cup of water.  I am talking about loose tea. Loose tea has always been a little mysterious to me. I had the idea that it was too complicated and time consuming for someone with my lifestyle. I was also a little unsure of how to prepare it.

A few years ago, a cute little tea shop (Souvia) opened at the end of the strip shopping center where I go to yoga. I have been in there a few times on and off picking up some ice tea or hot tea. I even did a book signing there once. But it has taken me a few years to decide to fully indulge and jump in with my tea cup. One day I found myself buying a tea strainer. I bought a couple of different teas to try and rushed home to boil water.

The water is supposed to be at certain temperatures for different types of tea.  I filled my old school teapot  and put it on the stove while I went about some kitchen business. Old school teapot as in a little white pot with simple blue flower on it- remember Corelle of the 70's. This is the one my grandparents gave me when I got my first apartment.  While waiting, I measured some tea into the strainer basket and sat it on top of a mug.

As I poured the boiling water through the tea strainer and into the mug, a wonderful aroma wafted up at me. The aroma informed me if I was patient, something subtle, but yummy was coming soon. Is this the right way to do it? I wasn't sure. 5-8 minutes later, my tea was ready. So many things to do in 5-8 minutes.. put in a load of wash, unload the diswasher, read something inspirational, write a grocery list.

The time flew by and my Almond Dream tea was brewed and ready. Inhale again. How does  tea smell so sweet with no sugar in it? This one sure did. It was even cool enough to drink right away. The steeping time served a duel purpose.

And the point is....

While sipping my tea over the last few weeks, it occurs to me that tea is a metaphor for practicing the art of  enjoying life. The process of preparing tea is about mindfulness and slowing down. And yes, it is a process that has a few subtleties. I'm sure I haven't learned them all yet. Tea preparation teaches patience just like a person with autism. Tea is subtle. It does not knock you over like some of its stronger sweeter counterparts. In fact, tea is often good with no sweetner at all.

Tea reminds me to slow down. It does not encourage guzzling. Tea reminds me to be patient with the process and also to enjoy the process. I am really trying to be patient with some other things in my life that are moving very slowly.

After all these years, it has been fun to discover something new. I guess you're never too old to become passionate about something else.

Life is short. Enjoy every cup.



Last Updated on Friday, 27 April 2012 03:19