Spring Cleaning Print
Written by Gayle Nobel   
Sunday, 08 April 2012 01:34

Blog-a-thon Day 6

I've taken on a few self-imposed challenges for the month of April. 30 blogs in 30 days for Autism Awareness Month. Done that twice before so I know I can do it again.

In the spirit of decluttering and spring cleaning, I have decided to get rid of 10 things per day for 30 days. By the end of the month, my house will be 300 items lighter. It's a great feeling to clean out something that needs to be cleaned out and get rid of  items I am no longer needing. Moving stale energy out of the house makes space.

Just to set the record straight, I'm the polar  opposite of a hoarder. My house is not particularly cluttered and I often get rid of items. Rachel used to tease me by telling me I would get rid of all her stuff if given the opportunity. When I told her about my project just today she expressed concern that there would be no childhood momentos left next time she came to visit. I reassured her that her belongings are safe.

Sometimes it's hard to let go of "physical stuff" the same way it's hard to let go of "life stuff". There's the broken stuff that you will surely fix someday. There's the sentimental stuff that reminds you of the past. There's the stuff you paid a lot for but maybe never used or used very little or doesn't fit or you never should have bought in the first place. There's the stuff you might need someday.  And if you have a child with autism, there are the reams of old data sheets and materials used for previous therapies that your child  is long past. In our case we have a closet museum filled with  many things which never worked in the first place.

Trash, donation, find another home, or keep?

Letting go of stuff can be  easy but sometimes it's difficult. It's the same with "life stuff". It can be difficult to let go of past hurts, and grudges, and disappointments as well as beliefs which no longer serve us. My dad waited until he was on his death bed to let go of some very personal and powerful grudges he had held for years. Unfortunately, by that time it was virtually too late as there was not much life left for him to live. Turns out the stuff he was holding on to hurt him more than anyone else.  

Just like the energy burst experienced when we release our physical junk, it is so freeing to release our emotional junk too.

I'll check back in at the end of the month. The first seven days have been easy but it might get more challenging as the month continues. 

Wanna play?

Last Updated on Sunday, 08 April 2012 02:29