Every Day is a Great Day! Print
Written by Gayle Nobel   
Monday, 26 September 2011 20:38

I just logged into Kyle's facebook because I realized I had never finished his profile. "About You" was waiting for completion. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Kim had completed this information. I'm so grateful that she did because what she said expressed it so beautifully...

"I am a tremendously gentle soul. Many times my actions are not understood, as I don't have a verbal way of explaining the feelings that I have. Sometimes, I get so happy that I make loud noises or run around. That is the only thing that I know how to do to show others that I am happy and want to be involved. I don't have a verbal speech way of communicating, but I have many other ways. I use my body, point and use my eyes. Sometimes that is still hard for me, but I am working on it. I love my family and friends and love to go places with them. I want people to know that I am a person who enjoys many of the same things they do, but have different ways of seeing things and experiencing them. I love it when people talk to me and have patience with me. That makes me feel included. Even if I cannot 'say' something back, please know that it means a lot to me for people to notice me and talk to me."


AND a gem found in "You Can Create an Exceptional Life" by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson (which I am currently reading):

Faith= being willing to take chances and keep moving forward without knowing the outcome.


AND After yoga today, I saw one of the women from the class at the tea shop. I told her "Have a Great Day! She replied, "Every day is a great day!!" Grateful for the reminder. Each day is precious but it's easy to forget so I love when life steps in and taps me on the shoulder.


AND finally, we are nearing the end of September and the Autism with Attitude back to School Special is almost over. If you order a copy of Breathe, you can receive any other item FREE! "Anything?!?" Yes, but just until Friday.  Simply order on AutismWithAttitude and in the comment section indicate which item you want to receive as your freebie.                            x




Last Updated on Monday, 26 September 2011 21:14