Living Life Print
Written by Gayle Nobel   
Friday, 16 September 2011 21:46

I’ve had a lot of opportunities to put things in perspective these days. Kyle has had a great, feeling good/healthy week. He has gotten into the swing of things with all his activities and is excited to start his day each morning. In fact, he’s so excited, he’s getting up much too early for my taste.  He participates in life more now than every before and it's really heartwarming to see. 

Just last night he had a very special experience at the Music Museum with Tammy his new assistant (caregiver, guide, friend= assistant). He came back tired and satiated with the experience of a wonderful evening of music, including a live performance. 

My attitude  is very much about making hay when the sun shines and hoping the sun will shine longer and longer. I sit in gratitude for these days. They are a special gift. The cycles have made these days that much more special because I know it is not a given that he will wake up feeling good and I can’t take any day for granted. It’s so easy to do that when good health is present most of the time. I like what my friend recently wrote about appreciating each day like never before. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes disease to kick us in the butt toward that mentality. 

Kyle just joined Facebook. What?

It was suggested to me a long time ago that Kyle should have a facebook page and I resisted. Oh no, another thing to manage.. blah blah blah. But I am now seeing it differently. I realize that many people that know and care about Kyle have no idea that he has much of a life outside his home. Often when people come to the house he is sitting in his chair listening to music, doing his thing, or walking around the house or eating. Even family members don’t really know how he fills his days when he is feeling well. He is not able to communicate with them and I have not really been keeping people in the loop either. This is where Facebook comes in and how we can expand Kyle’s connections and share some of his life with family and friends. He is even starting to have a small interest in looking at the computer. 

So I invite you dear readers... become a friend of Kyle Nobel on facebook and share in his moments of Living Life.

Last Updated on Friday, 16 September 2011 22:11