Spending time with my Blender Print
Written by Gayle Nobel   
Thursday, 24 February 2011 14:53

You know you’re having a rough day  when............

~~walking outside thru the yard to the trash can with a smelly bag of garbage feels like a really invigorating outing

(hey we’re talking fresh air now, don’t laugh)

~~one of the highlights is talking to your son’s neurologist on the phone and relishing his genuine support and kindness

 (hey we're talking the end of a two day phone tag session AND moving forward in a stuck area AND he really was so supportive)

~~swilling the hershey’s syrup like a sports drink becomes a temptation

(hey now,  it DOES have the same type of top!)

~~folding and actually putting away all the laundry is the biggest accomplishment of the morning

~~the phone is ringing, the kid is pulling things out of the refrigerator, the kid is pulling YOU,  you are not fully dressed yet... and it is 10:30 AM

(hey, there weren't any hidden cameras in my kitchen this morning, were there?)

~~choosing the next set of 3 calming CD’s feels like a real thrill 

(hey, we’re talking Enya, Enya, or maybe Enya?)


~~"Diablo" has been in the house for six straight days,  the “end in sight moment” is not visible on the horizon, and  running away from home becomes plan B

(hey, it was just for a minute... no need to call adult protective services too quickly)

~~eating leftovers for lunch is a very enticing prospect 

(hey, they were really good ones)

~~you want to scream but nothing comes out

~~you want to scream but all that comes out is a few tiny tears

~~you want to scream but there’s nobody to listen

~~you want to scream but the person who is with you is doing his own internal screaming, so what's the use 

~~you want to scream but instead start looking for ice cream 

(dang, it has freezer burn... it might be a rough day, but eating ice cream with freezer burn  is a huge WOC... waste of calories)

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to my actual life today is purely coincidental... or not. 

Let's rewind the tape to see if anything was missed....

And finally, you know you might be headed into a rough day when you wake up grumpy.

But then, yes THEN, a little light shines your way which puts a smile on your face. You receive the following "Dose of Mirth":

5 examples of saying “no, I’d love to but..."

1- I want to spend more time with my blender.

2- I’ve been scheduled for a karma transplant.

3- I’m staying home to work on my cottage cheese sculpture.

4- I did my own thing and now I’ve got to undo it.

5- I’m doing door-to-door collecting for static cling.

~~ Unknown  

~~ discovered in today’s dose of the Awe-manac by Jill Badonsky

Pardon me. Maybe this wasn't as inspiring as what you might have been hoping for, but I have a severe case of cabin fever today and just needed to tell someone.  Raise your hand if you can relate. Anyone? Anyone?


Wishing I was sitting on this rock in Evergreen, Colorado today but it's ok that I'm not.  

PS I did not swill the Hershey's syrup, I swear.  

Last Updated on Thursday, 24 February 2011 15:41